It is common to every nook and corner across the country that the race of obtaining higher marks is on prime focus. Parents often stress their wards to score higher and higher in the assessments. Emphatically, for them, figures on the progress report is a palpable outcome of the teaching-learning process. Now, it is time to go beyond toiling figures on the progress report, think the fact, and think about your wards. To measure the progress of a child is only the marks; this is the only parameters to sum up the all-round development of a child. Someone has told that if they will study for the marks, very soon, we would have the crowd of unemployed people. Haven’t they heard that scoring a considerable mark just a matter of technique? Haven’t they heard that somebody passed the exam only in few days of study? Yes, from many, we have come across in our surroundings. It is the demand of the time to change the parameters, beyond the parameters of paper and pencil.
Just coming to the point that we are living in a dynamic society, naturally, in each face of the society people try to accommodate in that. Therefore, we need to accommodate the new parameters of testing the outcome of the children. We should give more emphasis on hands-on activities, dealing with real-life problems and facing the hardship of life. Education should not be a limited play of paper and pencil. The prevalent education system should turn more strictly to practical based learning than theorising the old drawn laws. It should have ample space or flexibility for the coming generations. It should be well prepared so that they could find it more wholesome. The same education system and same prescribed textbook, somehow, cannot be applicable on different terrain of the Earth. The prescribed syllabi must be dealt with the local surroundings and draw the innovative ways to deal with real-life problems what they prone to face.
Of course, as matter of fact, our education system is working since last few years in the field that has resulted in the existed curriculum. However, on the ground reality, it is not visible in the mindset of the students. Still, they are dragging the half-heartedly what we say hands-on or real-life based teaching-learning process. The result is before us – stress full life, educated unemployment and sometimes leading to worst act!
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